Echoes and Embers Page 9
Relieved that Rosalind could find some pleasure in the tale, Alyssa allowed the momentary tangent. “Aye. Gideon was victorious. He triumphed over his challenge and lived out his life in peace with the woman he loved.”
“But Gideon died. I thought angels are immortal.”
“Gideon exchanged his immortality for the ability to reproduce. I would think you would be glad he wanted to father children with Lady Naomi.”
A faint smile gracing her mouth, Rosalind raised her fingers to her temples and rubbed firmly. “My head is spinning with all of this. How can it be true?”
“Shall we continue tomorrow? This is a lot for anyone to comprehend.”
“Nay. Please, go back to the hillside meeting.”
Alyssa paused to gather her thoughts and suppress the strongest of her emotions. Striving for a conversational tone, she resumed her tale. “Ambrose was of the order of Cherubim, so he was very much involved with the development of mankind. He watched God pour out unconditional love on a race of beings who were often violent and self-serving. God allowed humans to express the sort of rebellion for which his brother had Fallen. Ambrose was the most vocal of our group, but we all resented God’s new creation. And we each expressed our frustration in our own way.”
“What did you say?”
“I asked how we were expected to recognize truth in the midst of all the lies.”
“But Sariel said angels cannot lie.”
“Truth is shaped by perception. We spoke honestly of things we believed to be true, but our attitudes and bitterness had corrupted the truth.”
“So being unable to distinguish truth from lies became your challenge, the trial you must overcome.”
“Aye. Were it not for Sariel’s ability to see into my mind, I might still be lost in lies.”
Rosalind shifted on the bench, scooting nearer. Her voice dropped to nearly a whisper as she asked, “Why does Sir Sariel need to read the thoughts of others? It seems an odd ability for an angel.”
Alyssa looked away from Rosalind’s expectant gaze. What could she say that would be true, yet not frighten Rosalind further?
“Have you ever heard of a Nephilim?” Sariel asked as he neared them.
Rosalind glanced over her shoulder, watching him round the bench and stand beside the hearth. She shook her head. “What is a Nephilim?”
“Angels are divided into orders.” He crossed his arms over his chest as firelight gleamed off his hair. “The Order of Grigori—”
“You introduced yourself as Sariel Grigori.”
“Aye. I am prince of the Order of Grigori.”
“Not just an angel, but a prince.” Rosalind rubbed her temples again and closed her eyes for a moment. “Perhaps I am the one going mad.”
Alyssa rubbed her back and waited for her eyes to open. “I think you should rest for a while. You are clearly overwrought.”
“Nay.” Rosalind took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “I would rather hear it all now. No more surprises. You were speaking of the Nephilim.”
Sariel hesitated, his gaze moving cautiously over Rosalind’s face. “My order, the Grigori, are able to interact with humans in a way other angels are not.”
Rosalind’s cheeks bloomed with color. “As you were ‘interacting’ with Alyssa?”
“Aye.” His smile was completely unrepentant. “What we did not realize was that as well as being able to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh we are able to produce offspring.”
“Angels can have children?” Rosalind’s eyes widened comically.
“Only the Grigori, and there are very few of us left.”
Rosalind paused, fitting all of the pieces of the puzzle together. “Nephilim are the offspring of the Grigori and humans?”
Rosalind stood and moved to the other side of Alyssa. Her eyes narrowed and her hands clenched. She shook her head. “Is this why Alyssa came to me? Gideon’s blood makes me a Nephilim?”
“I wish it were so simple.” Sariel remained where he was, but his tone softened. “Gideon’s blood has been diluted by many generations. What I sense in you is a far more recent mixing of human and…non-human blood.”
“What does this mean?” Rosalind cried. “What is to become of me? Is this why the demon is after me?”
Alyssa rose and wrapped her arm around Rosalind’s shoulders, not surprised to find her slender body trembling. “What do you remember of your parents? How did they meet? Was theirs a love match?”
Turning to Alyssa, Rosalind buried her face against the other woman’s throat. “Don’t let him hurt me. He means me harm. I see the suspicion in his eyes.”
Alyssa stroked her back and shook her head when Sariel opened his mouth to speak. Sariel could find out what he needed to know without traumatizing Rosalind. “Let’s go to your room. You should rest. This has been a trying day.”
Rosalind laughed, a sharp, humorless sound. “I feel like my entire life has been a dream and reality is a nightmare.”
Chapter Six
Rosalind tossed against the cool bed linens. Disturbing images rolled through her mind, shimmering angel wings and shadowy impressions converged and twisted. Her heart pounded. Her limbs thrashed. The dream expanded, focused and solidified.
She was surrounded by a crowded forest, struggling through bushes and brambles. Sharp branches snagged her clothes and scraped her skin as she fled the unseen evil. Fear constricted her throat and dried her mouth. Something was out there, hunting her, closing in. She burst through the underbrush and ran.
Her leg muscles cramped and her lungs burned as she forced her body to greater speeds. Closer. It was nearly upon her.
She collided with something solid and warm. Screaming, she flailed, kicking and thrashing against the arms restraining her.
“Rosalind. Fear not. Nothing will harm you. I will keep you safe.”
Ray’s deep, musical voice washed over her in a soothing wave. She looked up into his handsome face and dissolved into tears. Ray had found her. How had he known she was in danger?
It didn’t matter. She was safe.
He lifted her in his arms and carried her into his cottage. The surrounding forest had never seemed so dark and ominous. She clung to him. “How did you find me?” she whispered in between sobs.
“I always know where you are.”
What a wonderful thought. She pushed her fingers into his thick hair, marveling at the softness of the gold-streaked strands. Warm. His cottage was warm and safe, a sanctuary in the darkness. “The world is topsy-turvy. I no longer fear that Alyssa has slipped into madness. I am the one—”
“Hush, my love.” He placed her on his bed and stretched out beside her, his rich green gaze caressing her face. “You are safe with me. Nothing can harm you here.”
“Here?” He’d said the word with an odd inflection. She glanced beyond him at the familiar cottage. Everything was in its place, yet nothing seemed quite real. “Where are we?” Trepidation cooled her desire. What was happening to her?
“This is a dream,” he said in a very serious voice, his gaze intent upon her face. “A safe, sweet dream. We can do whatever we want here, be whatever we choose.”
What did he mean? Why was he behaving so strangely? She tried to smile, to ease the tension twisting through her. “What would you choose to be that you are not already?”
“Your lover.”
She just stared at him. Was he serious? He had sent her away before, sworn their union was impossible. A cold, hard knot formed in the pit of her stomach. He wasn’t asking to wed her, just mate with her.
“Do you want this? Do you want to feel me moving inside you even though it’s only a dream?”
A dream. A safe, sweet dream.
“Aye.” She opened her arms to him. “I want to kiss you and touch you. I want everything.”
His lips pressed over hers, sealing their mouths, initiating a connection more intense than a simple kiss. Her body tingled. Her being pulsed as
if he literally touched her soul. She trembled. How could this be a dream? She could feel him, smell and taste him.
She threaded her fingers through his hair and mimicked the movement of his mouth. This was a dream, only a dream. He was free from his past here. Free to love her as she longed to be loved and accept her love in return.
He pulled her nightgown off over her head. She gasped. Why was she wearing her nightgown? Dreaming. Of course, she was dreaming.
“You are perfection.” His breath hissed out, his eyes glowed with emerald fire. “I have wanted to touch you for so long.”
Thrilled by his praise, Rosalind arched, offering her body in brazen invitation. He cupped one breast and lowered his mouth to the other. “Aye,” she murmured. His tongue stroked and his fingers explored.
He paused to rid himself of his clothes. The urgency in his movements made her smile. He was desperate for this, desperate for her. She understood his need. Her being cried out for his. Her body ached for his fullness. Parting her thighs, he lowered himself between them, pressing against but not into her.
She touched him boldly, memorizing his shape, fascinated by his texture. So soft. So hard. So hot! Every new discovery fueled her desire and made her more anxious for their final joining.
His mouth claimed hers again, firm, demanding. She returned the kiss with equal vigor, all hesitation lost in the dream. This was Ray, her haven, her lover. She was safe in his arms.
He caressed her breasts and slid against her. His shaft rubbed the knot of nerves hidden within her feminine folds. Delicious sensations flowed through her, spreading out from the point of contact until her entire body tingled. She squirmed, aching and burning, needing the shattering pleasure she had only known with this man.
“Oh Ray! Please don’t deny me. Fill me. I want you inside me.”
He grinned and pushed to his knees. “Like this?” Raising her hips off the bed, he impaled her with one forceful thrust.
Rosalind cried out with shock and delight. There was no pain, just the blissful fullness of his thick shaft inside her aching center. “Just like that.” She sighed, wrapping her legs around his waist. “Always like that.” She never wanted to be separated from him. She wanted him inside her forever.
He pulled back and drove deep. She clung to him with her arms and legs.
Chuckling at her enthusiasm, he eased her back to the bed. “Loosen your legs, love. I can’t move when you clutch me like that.”
Laughter welled within her. She was happy, content—safe.
Relaxing her legs, she caressed his chest and squeezed his shoulders while he hooked her legs over his arms. The new position spread her thighs wide, giving him room to move. He surged into her, stretching her and filling her.
Shouldn’t she feel uncertain or ashamed? This man was not her husband. Surely this was a sin. It didn’t matter. This was only a dream.
He took her with strong, even strokes, driving rational thought from her mind. This was a dream. A safe, fantastical dream. They could do whatever they wanted, be whomever they chose.
Dragging his mouth back to hers, Rosalind surrendered to the pleasure and abandoned herself completely to the dream.
* * * * *
“Rosalind is finally asleep.” Alyssa joined Sariel before the fire. He stood in nearly the same position he had been in when she left the hall several hours before. “She seemed restless for a time, but she is sleeping soundly now. What troubles you?” The question was so absurd it made her laugh. “I guess the more appropriate question is which of your troubles has you so captivated?”
He looked up and offered a wan smile. “I’ve been praying. Angels are known to do that from time to time.”
“When they remember they are angels.” Letting her gaze wander where her fingers longed to travel, she stared at Sariel. It was easy to forget she was an angel when she looked at him. The feelings he inspired were undeniably carnal. His quick mind fascinated her and she was awed by his power. Tenderness surged through her each time their gazes met, but under the more complex emotions simmered the elemental attraction of a female for her mate. “Have you found the answers you seek?”
“Nay.” He shook his tawny head and rolled his shoulders. An uncharacteristic weariness clouded his gaze. “Just more questions.”
She hesitated to start a lengthy conversation. “I just came down to gather a quick repast. I don’t want to leave Rosalind alone.”
A slow, secretive smile bowed his lips. “Rosalind is not alone.”
An image of the golden entity that had hovered at Sariel’s side flickered within her mind. “Who were you speaking with earlier?”
“You were able to see him?” Sariel’s brows drew together and he sounded surprised.
“To some extent. I couldn’t discern his shape, but I knew he was there.”
“You’re more perceptive than you know. To which order did you originally belong?”
Was he avoiding her question? He had a knack for doing so. His surprise seemed genuine, so she searched her memory and smiled when she found the answer. “I belonged to the Order of Dominions, as did Lailah.”
“Each time you speak truth a bit of the mist disintegrates.”
She only nodded. It was disconcerting to know he could literally hear her most-secret thoughts and sense her feelings while he remained completely guarded, separate from her. “Who or what did I see?”
“Gadrayel, my missing subordinate. It seems he has not deserted his mission after all. When I described him to Rosalind, it was obvious she knew someone fitting his description. She has no idea, of course, but your ward is infatuated with an angel.”
Alyssa blew a stray curl out of her eyes and thought about naïve, impressionable Rosalind at the hands of a seductive Grigori. If Gadrayel were half as charismatic as Sariel, Rosalind didn’t stand a chance.
“Her flight to escape me took her right into the arms of your missing subordinate?”
“Aye, and that’s why she was returned so quickly. Gadrayel may be attracted to her, but he isn’t willing to Fall.”
“Gadrayel has feelings for Rosalind? Are the members of your order naturally drawn to the Daughters of Man?”
“Don’t we always want most what we are forbidden?” He shot her a challenging smile. “But Rosalind is not human. At least not entirely.”
His casual statement caught Alyssa by surprise. She crossed her arms and tucked her hands inside the loose sleeves of her gown. Had he made his determination then? Was Rosalind a Nephilim? Loath to speak the words, she tried another tactic.
“If she is not entirely human, what else contributes to her nature?”
“Now that is a very good question.”
“But you don’t have the answer?”
“Nay. I do. But it will only upset you, so I’ll hold my peace until I understand the situation more completely.”
His convoluted statement earned him a scowl. “How do you intend to gain this understanding?”
“After Rosalind has had a night to rest and recover from the shock of what she has learned thus far I will guide her through her memories much as I guided you.”
She had expected as much. “Is Gadrayel with her now?”
“Is she safe with him?”
“Safe with him or safe from him?” One corner of his mouth quirked.
“You are not increasing my confidence in your order.”
He chuckled and reached for her hand. “Gadrayel will guard her with his life and he can summon me with a thought should the need arise.”
Surprised by his willingness to touch her, she stepped closer and raised her gaze to his face. Firelight complimented his golden coloring and accented the desire in his gaze. How would they ever resolve these longings? They wanted the same thing, yet he held himself back.
He cupped her shoulders with his hands, his expression intense and conflicted.
She only knew she had to try to reach beyond his barriers. “Last night I asked
you what frightened you.” He started to speak, but she placed her fingers against his lips, staying his objections. “You misunderstood me then. I want to explain myself now. I don’t doubt your courage. One glance into your eyes would convince anyone you are a force with which to reckon. I need to understand what you think will happen if you allow yourself to care for me.”
“I care for you already, don’t you know that?” The passion in his tone sped her pulse. “It’s not affection I resist. It’s desire.”
Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she asked, “What do you think will happen if you surrender to your desire for me?”
He heaved a heavy sigh, obviously dreading the topic. “Why must you persist in this? I cannot join with you and that’s all that matters.” He removed his hands from her and turned back toward the fire.
“You will not join with me. I understand the difference, but I don’t understand the cause.”
“Why do you want to know these things?” He crossed his arms over his chest, withdrawing even further. “The entire incident happened so long ago. Besides, I doubt you’ll find comfort in my answers. Those were wild, lawless times. My order is still paying the price for the role we played in them.”
Slowly licking her lips, she organized her thoughts. She wanted to understand, she needed to understand, but she hated that she was causing him pain. “And you personally. What part did you play in them?”
He laughed, a harsh, humorless sound. “I am their leader, Alyssa. What do you think? I encouraged the decadence and reveled in the excess. I took and gave pleasure without a second thought. I indulged my beast until there was nothing left of me. I—”
“That’s not true. You are not a beast now. You conquered that part of yourself.”
“Only after I destroyed countless lives and…”
Pain pulsed off him. Alyssa could barely catch her breath. What was he remembering? What could possibly— “Your children,” she whispered.
He stared into the fire, his face an expressionless mask. “Two were corrupt. I could not save them, but I would not allow them to Fall.”
She choked back tears to form the words, but she had to understand. “What happens to a Nephilim if it is destroyed? Why is it better than Falling?”