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Defiant (Battle Born Book 13) Page 5

  “I’ve never been there, but I’ve read about ‘the awakenings’.” Most Tandori children believed they were human and were only told the truth when they went through puberty or were ready to find a mate. “It must have been so strange to find out your entire childhood was…”

  “A lie? Yeah, I barely spoke to my mother for several months afterward. I was angry and confused. My entire concept of reality had changed so dramatically that I barely recognized myself. And as any teenager would, I blamed it all on my parents.”

  “Are you close now?”

  How was he doing this? She never talked about herself, hadn’t told her closest friend half the things she was telling him. But he didn’t want to be her friend. He wanted to form a mating bond and spend the rest of his life by her side. Already the idea was becoming more intriguing. “She never married and I’m her only child, so our reconciliation was inevitable. We’re very close now.” She’d finished the water, so she set the bottle aside. “We still live in the same house and I don’t see that changing.”

  A slow, sexy smile parted his lips and melted her insides, making her squirm. “Is that a challenge?”

  Rather than taking the bait, she changed the subject. “Now you know all my secrets, are you going to tell me yours?”

  Chapter Three

  Drex stood and moved to the edge of the bed, then he caught Jenna’s upper arms and pulled her to him. She ended up on her knees, arms folded between them, hands resting on his chest. “Why do you want to know my secrets if you want nothing to do with me?”

  She had to tilt her head way back to see his face and the heat from his body sank through her borrowed clothes. “I’m bored.” It was a pathetic lie and they both knew it.

  “Is that right?” His left arm wrapped around her waist while he pushed his right hand into her hair. “I can think of all sorts of ways to alleviate your boredom.”

  Her pulse accelerated as his head slowly lowered. Each time he touched her, it was harder to resist. Still, she turned her head and pushed against his chest. “If you’re serious about this, talk to me. I know nothing about you personally.”

  He straightened with a sigh, but didn’t release her. “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything. What was your childhood like? Are your parents still alive? If you’re not battle born, why did you join the rebellion?”

  With obvious reluctance, he lowered his arms and returned to his chair. He paused to finger-comb his hair before he answered her questions. “My parents are elite. Their marriage was arranged, but congenial. They had a perfect son and a perfect daughter, both genetically enhanced according to their specifications.”

  “Is that why you’re empathic?” She scooted back and returned to her earlier position, legs folded in front of her. “Did they specify that ability?”

  His smile turned sad and resentment hardened his gaze. “I was born eleven years after my perfect siblings. The pregnancy was unplanned and unwanted.”

  He said the last word with such bitterness her heart gave a compassionate leap. Her upbringing was far from perfect, but she’d never felt unwanted. “You might have been unplanned, but why would your mother continue the pregnancy if you were unwanted?”

  “My father threatened to divorce her if she ended the pregnancy. His family was much wealthier than hers. It would have been social suicide, so she reluctantly agreed to have me.”

  “I’m sorry.” She was rapidly regretting her curiosity. She’d instigated the conversation to pass the time and deescalate his ardor, not torment him with memories. “Did her attitude change once you were born?”

  “Not really. She hired staff to take care of me and continued on as if I didn’t exist.”

  Jenna fiddled with the bedding, finding it harder and harder to meet his penetrating gaze. “What about your siblings? Were they kind to you at least?”

  “As I said, my sister was eleven when I was born. My brother was thirteen. For the most part my brother ignored me. My sister was fascinated with me until she discovered boys and then she ignored me as well.”

  That only left his father. She hesitated to ask, not wanting to cause him any more pain.

  Apparently understanding her reluctance, he offered, “My father and I were close. He’d made partner in a prestigious law firm by the time I was old enough for outings, so he had a bit more freedom than he’d had when my siblings were young.”

  “If both your parents are Rodyte, how did you end up with empathy?”

  He crossed his legs and leaned back into the chair, clearly restless. “My maternal grandmother was Bilarrian.” He headed off her question with a shake of his head. “No, she wasn’t a war bride. But their romance was so scandalous that my mother’s family was more or less shunned by polite society. That’s one of the reasons my mother was so compliant with my father.” After a tense pause, he added, “And it’s one of the reasons she resented me so badly. Once my abilities began to manifest, she couldn’t even look at me. I was a continual reminder of her parents’ shame.”

  “But Bilarrian females are hunted by Rodyte males because of their abilities,” she pointed out. She didn’t want to argue with him, but what he’d said so far contradicted what she’d been taught as a child. “Why would your grandparents have been shunned? The battle born are resented because of their lack of abilities, not because their mothers were Bilarrian.”

  His brows arched and a poignant combination of resentment and pain darkened his eyes. “Are you sure about that? War brides are tolerated in the hopes that their powers will manifest in their offspring. They’re a means to an end, nothing more. Besides, my grandmother was not only Bilarrian, she was common, a domestic servant, far below my grandfather’s social station.”

  The rich mated with the rich. Even on Earth that much was true. “Did your mother have abilities?”

  “She did, but she spent her entire life trying to suppress them. Her clairvoyance and empathy were mild. Yet they proved that she was tainted by common Bilarrian blood, and she desperately wanted to be worthy of my elite father.”

  The subject was obviously painful, so she adjusted the focus slightly. “Have you been trained or are your abilities instinctual?”

  He shifted again, crossing his legs the other direction. Was the chair that uncomfortable, or was something else making him… Her gaze landed on the considerable bulge in the front of his pants and she quickly looked away. Heat suffused her face and her fingers tingled. He’d barely touched her. Why was he aroused? And why did she find the fact so…titillating.

  “I was six when I sensed my first emotion.” His deep voice drew her attention back to his face, but the unfamiliar ache remained. “My mother was horrified, but Father was intrigued. As I’m sure you know, puberty usually boosts paranormal abilities, but that didn’t happen with me. My ‘gift’ remained more of an aptitude than a power.”

  “I know that’s no longer the case, so what happened?”

  “My father happened. He took me to the geneticist responsible for my siblings and told him to ‘fix’ me. The geneticist was fascinated by the challenge and agreed to take the case if he could publish his results. Father reluctantly agreed.” Bitterness crept into his tone, making it obvious that wasn’t the end of the story.

  “Was the geneticist successful?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes. “Extremely. He manipulated my genome in ways that had never been attempted before. He became the toast of the scientific community, and I became a spectacle. The media coverage was brutal and humiliating. My family was shunned by the elite, yet pursued by the military. My father became a laughingstock, and my mother found it all so intolerable that she took her own life.”

  Jenna fought back a gasp, but instinctively covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. Pity and guilt took turns pummeling her spirit. Why did people have to be so cruel? “I had no idea.”

  He acknowledged her comment with a stiff nod, but wasn’
t quite finished with his story. “Both my siblings moved offworld. My brother even changed his name. They both blame me for their ‘exile’, so we haven’t spoken in many years. Father was forced out of his firm and currently lives like a hermit in the country, far away from the luxuries he once knew. He’ll respond if I contact him, but it has been a decade or more since he instigated a conversation.”

  Drex had definitely drawn a clearer picture of the forces that formed him, but she still didn’t understand one thing. “Your challenges are very different from the battle born’s,” she concluded. “What drew you to the rebellion?”

  “My ‘challenges’ are a mirror image of the battle born’s. They were ostracized and abused because their births were shameful and they are tainted by latent magic. I was born to wealth and privilege, but lost everything when magic was forced upon me. The details are nearly opposite, but we all want the same thing, control over our lives, and a world free from prejudice.”

  Jenna scoffed under her breath. “Humans might be able to help you gain control, but prejudice? We still have some work to do in that department.”

  “No society is perfect, and we’re not asking humans to fix our problems for us, just give us access to some of the tools we’ll need to end this struggle once and for all.”

  She nodded, finally out of questions. She hadn’t expected him to open up like this when she asked about his past. It was humbling, and intimidating, to realize how much he trusted her. She didn’t deserve it, had done nothing to earn it.

  Tension built as the silence stretched on, so she said, “I never thanked you. It’s all sort of blurry, but I know you tried to protect me.”

  He shook his head, looking frustrated and ashamed. “Emphasis on ‘tried’. If it hadn’t been for Sedrik, you would have bled to death in my arms.”

  “Bullets were still flying when you dragged me under that table. You could have been killed just trying to get to me. You’re very brave.”

  “I can’t think about how close I came to losing you.” Emotion thickened his voice, but she couldn’t identify the specifics. “I’ll lose my mind.”

  “I’m better now. You don’t need to worry anymore.”

  He stood and moved to the bedside. The room was so small, it only took one step. “You’re my mate, Jenna. I will always protect you.” It sounded like a vow.

  “Even if I choose someone else?” she asked with an innocent smile.

  Not surprisingly, he growled and drew her to him by the forearms. They’d come full circle. She was kneeling again as he threatened to kiss her, and possibly a whole lot more.

  “Don’t challenge a Rodyte male unless you want him to react.”

  Her ragged breaths drew his scent into her nose, teasing her, making her anxious for his taste. But if they kissed, she’d probably feel the pull, which would greatly weaken her ability to resist him. She was honestly not sure if she cared anymore. “So react.”

  It was all the encouragement he needed. His mouth covered hers, his lips warm and insistent, but not nearly as aggressive as she’d expected. He slipped one hand into her hair, splaying his long fingers against the back of her skull. “I never go where I’m not wanted,” he whispered without raising his head. His breath teased and his lips softly brushed against hers.

  Slowly, damning herself for a fool, she parted her lips in silent invitation.

  His tongue tip gently explored her lips before easing into her mouth. Tilting his head, he fit his mouth more securely over hers. He ventured deeper, pushing his taste into her mouth as he went. She groaned, absorbing the exotic flavor, letting it soothe and excite her.

  The universe seemed to pause and then narrow until there was only Drex and her, suspended by anticipation and uncertainty. She slid her hands up his chest and onto his shoulders, fascinated by the hardness of his body beneath his clothes.

  Tingles spread out from her mouth through her entire body. She pressed against him, nipples tight, core aching for his fullness. Feeling drunk and out of control, she tried to turn away. He held her face between his hands and deepened the kiss, every bit as aggressive now as she’d expected.

  He climbed onto the bed and urged her over onto her back, supporting her as she descended. Her legs parted of their own accord, knees bending to give him more room. He slipped one arm beneath her neck and touched her with his other hand. He stroked her face and neck, even brushing over her breasts. All the while he kissed her, sharing his taste, his breath, his warmth.

  She abandoned herself to the moment, not even stopping him when his hand slipped beneath her shirt and cupped her naked breast. It felt too good, natural. Why should she object to something so perfect?

  Because it’s like a drug! her inner voice shouted. He’s getting you high so he can claim you. This is what happened to your mother. Do you want to end up linked to him for life?

  Angry and confused, she jerked her face to the side. “Stop it! Enough.”

  Rather than release her, he kissed his way down her neck as he slowly pushed her shirt up.

  She raised her hands, meaning to shove him away, but he felt hard and hot even through his dress shirt. Helpless against the heated rush swirling though her body, she curved her fingers around his shoulders and arched her back. He’d bared her breast and latched on to one nipple. She didn’t care. She wanted his hands stroking her and his mouth firmly sucking.

  Her heart beat wildly and white noise filled her ears. Her clothes became abrasive and her entire body ached. She tore off her shirt and shifted restlessly beneath and against him. She needed more, more of his intoxicating taste and more of his skin beneath her fingers.

  Tangling her hands in his hair, she dragged him back up for more urgent kisses. Her tongue was just as aggressive as his now, her desires just as demanding. She quickly unbuttoned a few of his buttons and he pulled his dress shirt and undershirt off together, baring his body to the waist.

  “Oh yes,” she whispered, running both hands over his sculpted chest and shoulders. Suits could disguise a multitude of shortcomings, but his body was perfection. She couldn’t stop touching him, didn’t want to try. He was a fantasy come to life and he wanted her more than life itself. How could any female resist that combination?

  Suddenly, he grasped her hips and aligned their lower bodies. His thick shaft pressed against her clit and she moaned into his open mouth. Tingling heat spread between their bodies, making her inner muscles ripple with want. He rocked his hips, dragging his sex against hers and intensifying the sensations erupting from the simple contact.

  He supported his weight on his elbows and returned his hands to her face. His kiss took on the same sensual rhythm as his rocking hips. His tongue penetrated her body in a teasing preview of their eventual joining.

  This was dangerous, foolish, but she couldn’t make him stop. She couldn’t even make herself pull away. The kiss grew ever more urgent as the slide of his erection sped. His chest rubbed her breasts, teasing her nipples. She matched his rocking motion, increasing the pressure to maximize her pleasure and his. She was close, so damn close.

  He pushed one hand into her hair and cupped her breast with the other, his thumb roughly teasing her nipple. It was too much, too many sensations bombarding her all at once. She cried out, arching wildly as pleasure erupted deep inside.

  He shuddered violently, his cry deep and muffled. For a long time, neither could find the strength to move. The only sound was their ragged breathing. Then he laughed and shook his head. “Good thing I grabbed some clothes while you were still out. Walking through the hallways like this would be embarrassing.”

  Her eyes widened as she realized what he meant. All they’d done was kiss and rub against each other, but they both reached climax. Oh, this wasn’t good, not if she still intended to resist him.

  He crawled off her and swung his legs over the side of the bed. “I’m sorry. All I’d intended to do was kiss you.”

  She quickly found her shirt and slipped it on before responding.
“We both got carried away.”

  “Still, I should have been more careful, more controlled.”

  As he stood, he raised his arm to finger-comb his hair and she spotted the massive bruise on his ribs. “What happened?” she cried, crawling closer to where he stood.

  “It’s nothing.”

  She lightly ran her fingers over the discoloration. “Were you shot? Or was this from someone’s boot? I thought the guards took out those bastards before they got close to anyone.”

  He looked back at her and smiled, then ran the back of his fingers along her jaw. “It was a bullet, but I’m fine. It looks much worse than it feels.”

  “You took a bullet for me,” she whispered, amazed by the realization. “Why would you do that?”

  His gaze locked with hers, his phitons softly glowing. “You know why.” Careful to keep his back turned, he walked to a wall compartment and retrieved his spare outfit, then rushed into the bathroom.

  The room felt empty and strangely oppressive without his vital presence. Repeatedly her mother had warned her about Rodyte charisma. These males had a way of slipping beyond emotional defenses and anticipating what a female needed most. Jenna had been so sure she could resist him, and yet she hadn’t just allowed him to kiss her, she’d responded with equal urgency.

  The worst part was, she ached for him still, which meant his taste had triggered the pull.

  “Shit,” she whispered in frustration and wiggled back under the covers.

  He emerged wearing the Rodyte equivalent of sweatpants and a sleeveless undershirt. His shoulders were broad and the muscles in his arms and chest were beautifully defined. How did a lawyer maintain this level of fitness? Most of the battle born were soldiers, and soldiers had to be physically fit or they died. But Drex spent his days behind a desk or in a courtroom. “Are Rodytes all so…lean?”

  He grinned, clearly pleased by her attention. “Our food is engineered to ensure our bodies operate at optimum health. Many are self-regulating. They’re able to make adjustments to a person’s metabolism as they’re being digested.”