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Defiant (Battle Born Book 13) Page 2
Defiant (Battle Born Book 13) Read online
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Drex smiled, impressed, not for the first time, by his new friend. Nothing took place on the Triumphant without General Lux finding out about it, and that was saying a lot. The ship was an enormous movable base that could rival many human cities. “We’re a ninety-eight percent match,” Drex admitted, “but I haven’t decided what I want to do about it. I’m nearly certain she will not welcome a courtship.”
“Most human females are intimidated by the idea of mating for life. Human relationships are seldom permanent.” When Drex just nodded, Sedrik went on. “You should have secured her permission before you tested her DNA. I must insist that she be told now.”
Perfect. That would abolish any hope Drex had of courting her. Once she learned that he had collected her DNA and run tests on it without her permission, she would never speak to him again. He’d known he was breaking protocol when he’d done it. He just didn’t realize General Lux would find out. “I’ll tell her.”
“Tell her tonight,” Sedrik suggested. “She’s less likely to make a scene in the middle of a reception in our honor.”
It was a sound strategy. Still, Drex hesitated. The Rodyte obsession with genetic engineering had resulted in numerous anomalies, some desirable like the ultra-psychic harbingers; some dangerous, like the need for genetically compatible mates. With each generation compatible mates became harder and harder to find. Could Drex really ignore this opportunity? If he didn’t at least attempt to draw Jenna’s attention, this chance might never come again.
He handed his empty glass to a passing waiter and wended his way through the crowd. The man Jenna had been speaking with drifted away, leaving her alone, momentarily. She clearly knew most, if not all, of the humans present, so she wouldn’t be alone for long.
Snatching two champagne glasses off the beverage table, he made his way to Jenna’s side. “So we meet again.” He held out one of the glasses with a lazy smile.
She took the glass, but didn’t raise it to her lips. “Are you enjoying the party?” A ripple of sarcasm hinted at her suspicion that he was not.
The reaction made him curious enough to open his empathic receptors, a risky move in a crowd this large. He could be overwhelmed by emotion in a matter of seconds if his control slipped even a fraction. Meticulously focusing on his lovely companion, he waited for her emotions to trickle into his mind. Nothing happened. “It’s a cocktail party like any other. I find them all rather dull.” He expanded the opening in his mental shields until external emotions reached his mind, but it was impossible to tell their source. Reluctantly, he reinforced his shields and studied her face instead. He’d been trained to read body language and micro-expressions by the best operatives on Rodymia, and still her delicate features gave nothing away.
“The champagne helps.” She took a sip and casually averted her gaze, as if something in the crowd had caught her attention.
“Are you prepared for tomorrow?” He hated small talk, generally avoided the practice whenever possible. Confessing his wrongdoing without any sort of segue, however, seemed foolish.
“As prepared as I can be.” She paused for another sip of champagne, then brought her unique gaze back to his face. “If you’re willing to outline your side’s demands, I can work out a more complete response.”
He chuckled and took a sip of the bubbly wine. He much preferred g’haut or even Bilarrian blood wine, but this seemed more polite. “I tell you what. If you promise not to react negatively to what I’m about to tell you, I’ll tip my hand.”
She stilled, her head tilting just a bit as she assessed him. Light caught in her auburn hair, making the sleek mass appear more red than brown. “I’m intrigued. We barely know each other. What could you possibly tell me that would upset me badly enough for you to offer this barter?”
“You’ll have to accept the deal to find out.”
After a short pause, she shrugged. “How far are you willing to tip your hand? Top three concerns? Top five?”
Ever the negotiator. He should have expected this. “I’ll explain our top two concerns. I suspect my revelation will be more of an annoyance than a bomb.” If only that were true.
“Fair enough. Annoy me.”
He stepped closer, meaning to ensure no one else heard his confession. But her scent reached his nose and desire cascaded through his body. He quickly set his champagne glass aside, fearing he’d snap the delicate stem. The need to sweep her into his arms and kiss her senseless was nearly overwhelming. And yet, she clearly didn’t feel the same.
“Are you all right?” She moved back, regaining the space between them. “You look, I don’t know, pained.”
“I’ve spent most of my life in space. I’m still breaking in my land legs.” It was a pathetic excuse, but he could think of nothing more convincing. A moment passed as he processed her scent, gradually regaining control of his composure.
“Better now?” She actually sounded concerned and curiosity lit her amber gaze rather than disdain.
“Yes. I apologize for the interruption.”
When he didn’t say more, she prompted, “You were going to annoy me.”
He quickly sucked in a breath. There was no easy way to introduce this topic, so he just began. “How much do you know about Rodyte physiology?”
Her brow furrowed and she set her glass down as well. “I know more than most humans, but I’m certainly no expert.”
“If a Rodyte wishes to reproduce, he or she must find a genetically compatible partner, not just one who appeals to them.”
“I’m aware.” Tension threaded through her voice and suspicion slowly narrowed her gaze.
“During the tribunal, I sensed certain indications that you and I might be compatible.”
Her tension turned to hostility in an instant. “I’ll make this perfectly clear, Councilor Kaen. I am not interested in mating with a Rodyte, or anyone else for that matter. I don’t have time, nor the desire, for a serious relationship.”
His shoulders squared and he raised his chin. He was successful and honorable, a fit mate for any female. He’d expected confusion, even a bit of resistance, but her utter dismissal stabbed at his pride. “I suspected as much, but there’s one more thing you need to know.”
“I’m already annoyed,” she warned. “Are you sure the rest needs to be said?”
“Unfortunately.” Refusing to flinch from her anger, he looked into her eyes. “I obtained and tested your DNA to confirm my suspicions. I should have—”
“You did what? How did you ‘obtain’ my DNA?” Her voice rose half an octave and grew louder with each word.
Heads were turning their way and he really didn’t want to create a scene. “Could you please keep your voice down?”
She grabbed his arm and dragged him across the room, exiting through a side door. The corridor was bare, utilitarian, clearly meant for staff not guests. “How’d you get my DNA?” Though still tight and angry, her voice remained at a conversational volume.
“Your water bottle. You left it on the table after the tribunal.”
She shoved her purse aside and planted her hands on her hips, glaring at him. “I don’t know how things are done in space, but humans don’t conduct medical procedures without the subject’s permission.”
Obviously, she was angry, but he needed to understand the other, more complex, emotions he saw in her eyes. Scanning her mind would have been another invasion, but analyzing the emotions she was broadcasting was far less invasive. Carefully weakening his mental shields, he activated his empathic receptors and waited for her emotions to flood his mind. As before, nothing happened. In fact, there was an endless void where her emotions should have been. How strange.
Dismissing the anomaly with a mental shrug, he poured energy into his shields and focused entirely on defusing her anger. “It was wrong and I apologize.”
Her anger smoldered, her eyes still blazing with amber fire. He was no longer sure if she was going to erupt or relax.
After a long, tense pause, s
he lowered her arms and released her pent-up breath. “Who made you apologize? I don’t believe for a second that you regret invading my privacy.”
He didn’t, not really. She was his mate. He would risk anything and use every dirty trick he knew if it meant she would agree to bond with him. Nothing was more important, nothing more urgent. But how had she known? His apology had sounded genuine, his explanation honest. Why would she accuse him of insincerity?
The need to scan her mind and find out her motivation tempted him again. But she was already angry because he’d invaded her privacy. Only a fool intentionally repeated a mistake and expected a different outcome. Rather than answer her question, he redirected her focus. “Why are you so opposed to the idea of bonding with a mate?”
“My life is challenging enough without those sorts of complications.” Her breasts rose and fell as she sighed, increasing his struggle to keep his gaze on her face. “It’s not personal.”
He slowly advanced, unable to keep his distance. “That might be true for you, but this is intensely personal for me. I don’t have the luxury of ignoring this possibility. I’ve searched many years for a genetically compatible female. You are the only one I’ve found.”
A wisp of auburn hair escaped to trail across her face. She quickly tucked it behind her ear, then swallowed. “I’m sorry your search has been unsuccessful, but it has nothing to do with me. If children are really that important to you, there is always adoption.”
Her easy dismissal of something so vital, unleashed his predatory instincts. She only shrugged away his interest because the pull hadn’t yet engaged in her. Once his taste spread through her mouth, her body would ache with need and her blood would sizzle through her veins, “pulling” her toward him. In ages past, any Rodyte male would have tossed her over his shoulder and escaped to some private location where they could fight this out in bed.
“This is about so much more than children.” Stalking toward her with obvious intent, he spoke in a low, almost menacing tone. “Once a Rodyte male has found his mate, she becomes the most important person in the universe. Protecting her, providing for her, and pleasuring her are all he can think about. Why should I ignore what every cell in my body is demanding?”
She backed up, fear flickering through her gaze. “If you touch me, I’ll scream.”
“You have nothing to fear from me.” But he kept right on coming, only stopping when her back pressed against the wall. He placed his hands on either side of her head, caging her with his big body. “Breathe in my scent, let it wash over and sink into you.”
“This is pointless.” She sounded a bit more assertive now, but her lips trembled. “I don’t feel what you’re feeling.”
“Not yet,” he whispered as he lowered his head. She jerked her face aside, so he kissed her cheek and jawline. “Kiss me, Jenna. See if my taste excites you.”
“No,” she said firmly. “I don’t want to be excited by anyone right now. I—”
He turned her head and cut off her words with his mouth. Her lips pressed together, unmoving and unresponsive. His instincts demanded that he open her mouth and stake his claim with the thrust of his tongue, but she’d likely bite him if he forced this on her. Besides, he wanted her wild and willing, not resentful and resigned.
“What are you so afraid of?” he whispered the words against her stubbornly closed mouth. “Nothing is more natural, more fulfilling, than touching and being touched by your mate.”
Her hands came up and shoved against his chest. “Back off. Now!”
“Kiss me once, and I’ll let you go.” He brushed his lips over hers, coaxing, teasing.
“No means no, asshole.” She brought her knee up hard, barely missing his crotch as he quickly turned away.
With an exasperated sigh, he pushed off the wall and motioned toward the door through which they’d escaped. “Enjoy the party.”
More than ready for the awkward confrontation to end, Jenna rushed back the way they’d come. But she didn’t linger in the crowded ballroom. She left the party through the main doors and took the nearest elevator up to the room she would occupy until the negotiations concluded. Her heart thudded wildly in her chest and she felt strangely hot. Scent alone wasn’t supposed to trigger the pull in females, which was why Drexel had been so determined to kiss her. Wanting Jenna to have all the information she needed to deal with her unwanted suitor, Lenore had explained Rodyte courtship in embarrassingly clear terms before Jenna left for the party. If Jenna allowed Drex to kiss her, it was likely her body would come alive with unwelcome needs and sensations. The next step would be scent marking, a possibility she refused to consider. Lusting after her adversary was the last thing she needed right now.
Not that Drexel Kaen wasn’t lust worthy. Physically, she could find no fault with him. He was ruggedly handsome yet sophisticated, unlike many of the brutish soldiers who surrounded him. Their hungry stares and bulging muscles made them look too Neanderthal for Jenna’s taste. Even as Drex urged her up against the wall, she knew she was in no real danger. He made his desires clear—as her mother warned that he would—but he’d backed off once she made it just as clear that she wasn’t ready to be seduced.
Wasn’t ready? Didn’t that indicate that her attitude might change at some time in the future?
She sighed and opened her purse, fishing around for her keycard. Then she slipped it into the slot and unlocked her door. Turning on the nearest lamp, she tossed her purse onto the neatly turned-down bed and slipped off her high-heeled sandals. The room wasn’t large, but it was luxurious, typical of Midtown hotels. She sat on the side of the bed and reached for the TV’s remote. She didn’t care what was on. She just couldn’t stand the silence.
If she was so opposed to any sort of relationship, why couldn’t she stop thinking about Drex? Even before their almost kiss, his image lingered in her mind. She’d spent the first hour of the party watching the doors, wondering when he’d arrive. Her mind might be set on ignoring him entirely, but her body had other ideas. She couldn’t help wondering what it would have felt like if she’d given in to the kiss, parted her lips and let him—No! She couldn’t think like that. Rodytes were users, amoral marauders who took what they wanted without conscience or regret. She would not succumb to hormones and magic compulsions. She was a modern woman, independent and self-assured. The last thing she needed, or wanted, was a domineering mate.
She heard the muffled buzz of her phone and fished it out of her purse. Her mother’s smiling image stared back at her, so she hesitated to answer the call. Did she really have the patience for more “I told you so” right now? Knowing her mother was one of the most persistent people in the world, Jenna activated the call.
She didn’t bother with a greeting. “Did you call to gloat?”
“Of course not,” her mother cried, sounding hurt by the accusation. “I called to make sure you’re all right.”
Switching the call to speaker, she took the pins out of her hair as they spoke. “He approached me, as you said he would. He was seductively persistent, as you said he would be. And he tried to kiss me, just as you predicted. Do they have a training manual for this sort of nonsense? It’s clearly well-orchestrated.”
“You said he ‘tried to’ kiss you?” Now Jenna heard fear, perhaps even panic, in her mother’s soft tone. “Does that mean he didn’t succeed?”
“Not this time, but I suspect he’ll be even more aggressive next time.”
“And there will be a next time, Jenna. Your genetics guarantees it.”
She picked up the phone and carried it into the bathroom, so she could comb out her hair and wash her face. “I might be able to use this to my advantage. As long as I keep the pull from activating in me, he’ll be distracted by his need to seduce me. It could compromise his ability to negotiate.”
After a short pause, her mother said, “That’s really cold. I know what it’s like to be manipulated by my emotions. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”
didn’t create this situation,” Jenna objected, forcing herself to look at her reflection in the mirror. She looked tussled and tired, more than ready for a good night’s sleep.
“Neither did he,” Lenore parried. “I want you to think very carefully before you answer. If the timing of this connection weren’t extremely inconvenient, would you be less hostile toward him?”
She paused to consider her true feelings. Deceiving one’s self was a pointless waste of time. “He’s impressive, and it’s oddly flattering to have someone this determined to…it doesn’t matter. I don’t want a mate any more than you did. It’s not going to happen.”
“He won’t give up. If you’re serious about denying him, you need to bow out and disappear for a while.”
“I will not run away like a frightened child. As long as I refuse to kiss him, he can be as determined as he likes. He’s not going to change my mind.”
Her mother sighed and Jenna could picture her sad little head shake. “Sweetheart, I’ve been there. I was just as stubborn and just as convinced I could resist your father. I know you think you’re stronger than me, but you’re not. No one can fight the forces of nature.”
“You make it sound inevitable and I refuse to believe that. I have a choice. I can prevent the cycle from starting. That’s how I’ll escape.”
“Oh, Jenna.” Sympathy rippled through her mother’s voice, sending a chill down Jenna’s spine. “You’re too late. It’s already begun.”
Chapter Two
Drex drummed on the conference table with his fingertips, impatiently waiting for Jenna’s arrival. She was ten minutes late, and she couldn’t blame it on traffic. She had a room upstairs in this hotel. Had her night been as restless as his? Doubtful. She’d refused to kiss him, so he was the only one being consumed by desire, and possibilities.