Defiant (Battle Born Book 13) Page 13
Drex’s fingers dug into her hips and his tongue slowly traced her slit. Jenna trembled, fractured thoughts wrestled in her mind as raw emotion bombarded her being. His strong body was tense beneath her hands, yet his mouth was so gentle. She could feel the intensity of his need, and still he focused on her pleasure, giving her what she wanted without qualification or demand.
Guilt threaded through her building desire. How could she mistrust someone who had shown her nothing but kindness? She was selfish and cynical, paranoid and—
His tongue found her clit and scattered her self-recrimination. Pleasure eclipsed rational thought, suspending her in a realm of pure sensation. He enjoyed doing this every bit as much as she enjoyed the attention. His emotions surged across their link, inflating her body’s reaction to his tender caress. Her inner muscles tightened, then rippled as an orgasm gathered deep inside her.
She arched her back, nipples tightly beaded—and then he lifted her off his mouth and moved out from under her.
“Wait!” She looked back, confused by his actions. “I was so close.”
He chuckled, twisting sharply so he faced the bed as he scrambled to his feet. Then he grasped her hips and pulled her knees right to the edge of the bed. “Head down.”
Like an animal. “I want to see your face.”
He shook his head. “If you want me to keep my promise, do as I say.”
Reluctantly, she leaned forward, resting on her forearms. Her hair swished forward, isolating her from the rest of the world, separating her from him. This was her least favorite position, but he was attempting to abide by her rules. She had no right to protest further. This is what she’d wanted.
His hand slipped between her thighs, his fingers lightly teasing as he ensured she was wet enough to take him. Then he was there at the entrance to her body, broad and hard, ready to claim her. She expected a hard, fast thrust. Instead, he pushed inside slowly, allowing her body to adjust to his. She’d had lovers before, but Drex felt different, longer and thicker, filling her so completely it made her core ache.
With his entire length buried deep inside her, he paused and drew her up. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders, anchoring her upper body against his as his lower body began to move. She was arched just enough to allow slow, teasing stokes, a hint of movement that quickly drove her crazy.
“Please, Drex.” She reached back and grabbed his hips, trying to hurry his pace.
He ignored her, kissing the side of her neck as his free hand began to roam. He stroked her breasts and squeezed her nipples. He caressed her belly and thighs. And all the while, he barely slid in and out of her needful body.
She stilled, calming her restlessness through sheer force of will. Closing her eyes, she absorbed the hints of sensation he triggered with his transitory caresses. She tightened her inner muscles, amplifying the fullness rather than the slide.
Her calm also spotlighted the emotions pulsing into her mind. Her heat and snugness threatened his control, which necessitated a stranglehold on his desires. He focused on her, only on her. Yet his determination was driven by frustration, not tenderness.
She tugged on his restraining arm, until he allowed her to twist around. Their bodies were still joined, but she could see his face. “I’m sorry.” She opened her mind and allowed him to feel her regret, her sincere desire to share something meaningful. “I don’t want to ruin our first time together.”
With a deep sigh, he separated their bodies and stepped back from the bed. “If we make love, really make love, I’m not sure I can keep from claiming you. I want this too badly. I want you too badly.”
“So, what happens if you lose control? Is the link instantaneously permanent? If it’s not, how long would it take before it becomes permanent?”
He raked his hair with one hand and dragged his gaze away from her naked body. “I’ll fight like hells to maintain control. I don’t want—”
“I don’t want you to hold back like that.” She came off the bed and wrapped her arms around his back, pressing against his much larger body. “We’ve resisted this for too long. I want you wild and demanding. I want the real you.”
Slowly, his arms wrapped around her and some of the tension flowed out of him. “If I lose control, which I will not do, I can dislodge the link once I’ve calmed down. It’s painful, but will not harm you.”
“Will it harm you?”
His chin moved against her damp hair as she shook his head. “Not if I’m careful.”
She wasn’t sure she believed him, or that she’d ask him to dislodge the connection even if he did lose control. All she knew was she desperately wanted to salvage this night, this joining. “Please don’t give up on me. I’m sorry I’m so screwed up.”
He chuckled and eased her back, so he could see her face. “Never. You are mine and I am yours. I don’t just want tonight. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Besides, sweetheart, I’m just as ‘screwed up’ as you are, maybe more.”
The tension crumbled as their mouths found each other. He slid her up along his body so she could wrap her arms around his neck. She wiggled and squirmed until he helped her wrap her legs around his waist, then she relaxed against him and concentrated on their kiss, her fingers buried in his thick hair.
I love you, he whispered in her mind, the claim all the more meaningful because she could feel his emotions.
I tried so hard not to love you, but I do. I really do.
He laughed, their lips momentarily parting. “Brutally honest to the bitter end.”
“I don’t know how to be any other way.”
“I know. And it’s one of the reasons I want you as mine.” His phitons began to glow, shimmering rings of sapphire in an endless field of black.
She moved one of her hands to his face, mesmerized by the alien beauty of his eyes. “With or without a soul bond, I’m already yours.”
He kissed her again, a consuming tangle of lips, tongues and emotions. He stumbled with her to the bed, then lowered her to her back as he climbed onto the padded surface and knelt between her legs. They were sideways, but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but this moment and the joining of two hearts.
She looked deeply into his eyes as he carefully joined his body to hers. It was so much more intimate like this, so much more personal. She raised her knees high against his sides, not wanting to hamper his movements. She needed him sliding deep inside her, filling her as no one ever had and no one else ever would.
Balancing on his knees and forearms, he framed her face with his hands and pulled nearly out. He paused with just his tip inside her, then drove his entire length inward with one firm thrust. She gasped and tipped her pelvis, taking him even deeper.
More. Please, she whispered in his mind, half afraid she’d disrupt the magic with words.
His phitons glowed and a pleased smile parted his lips. He gazed at her intensely, possessive passion burning in his mind, as he finally moved his hips. His shaft slid in and out, filling her, completing her. She’d only been half a being until her soul mate joined with her.
Tears blurred her vision and her lips trembled. She reached down with both hands, digging her nails into his ass, urging him on. He reacted with fast lunges and she moaned deep in her throat. His desire built even faster than hers. She felt him pull himself back, struggling for control.
Determined to have all of him, she reared, sealing her lips over his as her tongue thrust boldly into his mouth. He growled and pinned her to the bed, dragging her arms over her head. He took control of the kiss as he moved with nearly frantic urgency. She was spread beneath him, filled by him, held down, and yet she had never felt so free, so alive.
Her spirit stirred deep inside her body, pushing the sensations higher than they’d ever gone before. A moment of fear disrupted the bliss, then the coiling urgency snapped. She cried out against his mouth, arching wildly against him as her inner muscles rippled around his thrusting length. He wrapped his arms around her, crushing her a
gainst his chest as he shuddered violently, cock bucking deep inside her.
His emotions wove through hers as they soared together. It was unlike anything Jenna had experienced before. It was so much more than an orgasm, so much more…mystical. The transfer link prolonged the physical pleasure for endless minutes, suspending them beyond reality.
He eased back, taking his weight on his forearms and knees without separating their bodies.
“Was that just the transfer link or are we joined?”
He kissed the tip of her nose and brushed damp strands of hair back from her face. “I will never hurt you, never force anything on you. It was just the transfer link.”
She shook her head, amazed at his control. “I know you came, but did holding back ruin this for you?”
He paused for a tender kiss, a satisfied smile curving his lips. “Do I feel dissatisfied in any way?”
She searched his mind, then shook her head. “You feel a little smug.” She punched him in the shoulder, not wanting to feed his ego.
Wrapping his arms around her, he rolled them to their sides. “If you’re really worried that I’m deprived, we can do it again.”
She pressed against him, hiding her face against his warm chest. “I’m still all tingly. Let me catch my breath.”
He drew her leg up to his waist and kissed her mouth. Why are you breathless? I’m the one who does all the work.
She nipped his lip hard enough to make him pull away, then shoved him over onto his back. She followed him over, straddling his hips, his shaft still deep inside her. “We’ll have to see about that, now won’t we?”
* * * * *
Waking up in each other’s arms was so exciting that Drex and Jenna made love again. They showered separately, knowing neither would be able to keep their hands to themselves if they showered together. He had a breakfast tray waiting when she finally emerged from the steamy utility room. He’d requested a runner to retrieve her suitcase from her cabin the night before, so Jenna didn’t have to wear the same dress again. Rather than one of her business suits, she chose a casual summer dress. The garment was fitted to the waist then flared out in a swirl of abstract colors. She’d donned a short-sleeved sweater as well, likely for modesty’s sake. Though her figure was perfect, at least in his eyes, she refused to flaunt her assets.
“You look lovely.” He seated her across from him at the cozy round table, then returned to his chair. “We need to hurry. I asked for an appointment with General Lux and the only time he had available today was in fifteen minutes.”
“Should I have worn a suit? I thought we were going to spend the day together.”
“We are. This shouldn’t take long. I just want to update Sedrik on what we saw in Thea’s images, and your vision.” Uncertainty trickled across their link, but it was obvious she was fighting against the emotion. Apparently, she wasn’t afraid, just confused. “What’s wrong?”
“We don’t have anything to tell him. None of the images were useful.”
He chuckled, wiping his mouth on a napkin. “We got a little sidetracked last night, so I never explained what I saw. The device sticking out of Big Jim’s laptop was an Evonti transceiver. At least, that’s what it appeared to be. The symbols on it were definitely Evonti, and they found similar devices on the Evonti ship we took away from Solar Warden.”
She set down her fork, disbelief clear in her amber eyes. “You think Abaddon is working with the Evonti?”
“I’m way more suspicious than that.” Drex pushed his plate aside, more interested in the conversation than the food. “I think Abaddon might be Evonti. They desperately want Rodytes out of Earth-space. What better way to accomplish their goals, without making humans even more suspicious of aliens, than to empower furious humans to do the job for them.”
Jenna pressed back into her chair, her expression tense and uncertain. “It explains the disguise.”
“And how he managed to take over one third of the U.S. military. What anonymous radical could amass that sort of power in a few short weeks?”
“Do you think Resistance Force leadership knows and they’re keeping it from the rank and file? Or do you think they’re being used?”
Drex shook his head. “I have no idea, but Sedrik needs to know what we saw.”
They quickly finished eating and headed to Sedrik’s office. The walk alone took most of the fifteen minutes. The Triumphant was immense. Jenna looked around, her gaze wide and filled with awe as they passed an overlook to one of the flight decks. A double row of aerodynamic strike ships lined a wide walkway. Maintenance crews hurried along, heading to, or returning from, the “stingers”.
“Do my superiors know about this?” Her steps lagged as her gaze took in the scene below.
Sidestepping her question, he said, “If you think this is impressive, I’ll bring you back when the ships are launched. The noise alone is memorable.”
“They don’t know, do they?”
Again, he didn’t answer.
“Is this the only flight deck?” Her fascination was rapidly transforming into concern.
He shook his head, but didn’t offer details. Until she accepted his claim and became his mate, she wasn’t allowed to know. They were bending the rules quite badly just having her aboard.
Sedrik stood in front of his desk as they were ushered inside his office. A Rodyte soldier sat in the chair to Sedrik’s left, but he seemed in no hurry to depart. His short dark hair was liberally sprinkled with gray, and his purple-ringed eyes held the sort of wisdom only achieved through a lifetime of hardship and sacrifice.
Sedrik smiled when he saw Jenna. “This is the first time I’ve seen you in anything other than a suit. You wear casual well, Dr. Fermont.”
“Thank you.” Some humans would consider the comments sexist, but Rodyte males thought it rude if they didn’t complement a female. “I’m still waiting to see you out of uniform.” All three men laughed and she blushed beautifully. “That’s not what I meant.”
Rather than embarrass her further, Sedrik motioned toward the seating area at the other end of his spacious office. Drex and Jenna sat on the sleek, armless couch, so Sedrik and the as yet unnamed stranger faced them in matching chairs.
“This is Keyran Tarr, Commander of the Harvest,” Sedrik explained. “We were about to review the details of the RF attack and, being that you witnessed the event, I thought you might be interested in what he has to say.”
“I can’t speak for Jenna, but I’m very interested,” Drex told him.
“I am too.” She smiled at Keyran and added, “My name is Jenna and this is Drex.”
Sedrik cringed. “Sorry. It’s been a strange morning.” Keyran just nodded, clearly not upset by the oversight. “I think the question on all our minds is, did the Defiant intentionally draw their fire?”
“Absolutely. Systin Levitt and his crew sacrificed themselves so the rest of us could escape. Commander Levitt is a hero and must be honored as such.” The conviction in Keyran’s voice made him sound almost insolent.
“Plans are already underway for a memorial service,” Sedrik assured. “Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.”
Keyran nodded. “What else do you need to know?”
“Have there been any other threats or disruptions?” Sedrik asked. “Did we have any indication that this was going to happen?”
Keyran thought for a moment, then shook his head. “It was a complete blindside. The runs have been uneventful for months. In fact, I was going to suggest you reassign the escort. I felt they were wasting their time.”
“That’s never going to happen. You’re too important. Without the supplies your teams provide, Lunar Nine would come grinding to a halt.” The praise made Keyran all fidgety, but Sedrik didn’t relent. “Supply runs aren’t glamorous, but they’re vital. We’re lucky to have someone with your experience at the helm.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“I’m investigating alternate suppliers, but this star system is rather
secluded. In the meantime, we need to be extra vigilant.”
“I’m always vigilant,” Keyran protested.
“It wasn’t a criticism,” the general told him. “I suspect the first attack was only the beginning. They will try again.”
Keyran sighed, then nodded. “Unfortunately, I agree.”
“Well, unless you have questions for me, I’ll let you get back to your ship.”
“Thank you, sir.” Clearly uncomfortable with all the attention, Keyran made a beeline for the door.
Sedrik waited until he had gone to ask, “Was Torrin able to transfer the images for you?”
“Yes,” Jenna said. “It gave us significant insight into Thea, but not much else.”
“There was one memory we found intriguing. Unfortunately, the image was distorted so Jenna went on a sort of vision quest to explore the situation more fully.” Drex looked at Jenna and found a panicked look on her lovely face. Did she honestly think he was going to blurt out the specifics of that exploration? He reached over and lightly touched her hand. I would never embarrass you like that.
She responded with a subtle nod and entwined their fingers.
“Was the vision quest successful?” Sedrik looked at Jenna, then back at Drex as understanding gleamed in the general’s eyes. “I know you were involved in another medical emergency, but I’ve yet to read Dr. Mintell’s report. Are you both fully recovered? And did the vision quest result in the medical emergency or were the events unrelated?”
“They were related,” Jenna admitted. “We were using an unorthodox method to trigger the vision and it ultimately resulted in a negative reaction in Drex.”
“Let’s come back to that,” Sedrik suggested. “What did your vision reveal?”
Drex was more than happy to let Jenna decide how much she wanted to tell Sedrik. The details were doubtlessly in Dr. Mintell’s report, but that didn’t mean Jenna had to discuss them with a veritable stranger. She was barely comfortable talking about her past with him.
“We saw one of the meetings between Abaddon and the RF leadership,” Jenna explained. “Abaddon wasn’t there in person and even his image was little more than a shadow.”